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23rd October 2024

International European Sustainability Congress is a part of Circular Week 2024.

One of the biggest and most prestigious conference in Poland regarding circular economy and sustainable development.


European Sustainability Congress is one of the biggest international events about circular economy. Its goal is to promote the idea of a circular economy, support sustainable business models and establish cooperation between interested stakeholders.


The Congress is the focal point of Circular Week 2024 and will take place on 23th of October 2024. The event will involve the participation of small and large firms, start-ups, investors, representatives of public administration, local governments, enterprises, managers dealing with sustainable development and CSR and the media.


The Congress will feature lectures and discussion panels among international experts representing areas such as macroeconomics, bio-economy, urban infrastructure, waste management and plastics. There will be also networking area with expo booths, where circular projects and start-ups will promote themselves. It will be an excellent opportunity for international networking, promoting your activities internationally and exchanging ideas during networking sessions.

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